7 Cold Weather Tips For Diabetes Patients | NVCPC.com

7 Cold Weather Tips For Diabetes Patients

For people living with diabetes, cold weather may make it more difficult to maintain regulated blood sugar levels. Frosty temperatures stress the body, and that stress frequently causes blood sugar levels to rise. Don’t despair—knowledge is power. And with that in mind, we’ve collected some cold weather tips for diabetes to keep you healthy all…

How To Reduce Pain At Work With Ergonomic Equipment | NVCPC.com

How To Reduce Pain At Work With Ergonomic Equipment

Long days spent in an office chair can intensify the effects of chronic pain for some people. Fortunately, awareness around the issue of helping employees manage chronic pain is growing, and so are the possible remedies available. Chronic pain results in an estimated $61.2 billion in lost productivity annually, estimates the American Chronic Pain Association. Conditions associated with that…

Celebrating Thanksgiving And Gratitude Every Day | NVCPC.com

Celebrating Thanksgiving And Gratitude Every Day

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to relax with family and friends, eat delicious food, and express gratitude for all the good things life sends our way. Gratitude comes into the spotlight on Thanksgiving, but the habit of being grateful for life’s abundance has been shown to improve people’s…

How Important Is Sleep For The Body? | NVCPC.com

How Important Is Sleep For The Body?

Our bodies are designed to function optimally with exactly the right amount of sleep. When our thoughts get in the way of biology it can be extremely detrimental to our overall health. Have you ever watched your cat or dog sleep during the day? They aren’t lazy. They are just giving in to their nature.…

5 Of The Best Benefits Of Walking | NVCPC.com

5 Of The Best Benefits Of Walking

The mere thought of adding exercise to your routine can be enough to keep you from starting if you’ve never been very active. However, the benefits of walking and other low-impact fitness can’t be overstated. Why walking?  Without much motivation or experience, what is the best exercise to start with? Walking. Experts suggest walking as…

How To Promote Your Own Heart Health | NVCPC.com

How To Promote Your Own Heart Health

An unfortunate trend in the United States demonstrates that adults are largely misinformed about heart health, including information about heart disease symptoms and prevention. What can you do to promote your own heart health? What’s the facts on heart health?  74% of adults in the U.S. do not fear dying from heart disease. In spite of…

The Impact Of Disability On Employment | NVCPC.com

The Impact Of Disability On Employment

On Labor Day, we look at what employment means for the 19% of disabled people in the U.S. What does disability look like in the U.S. and what’s the impact of disability on employment? The impact of disability on employment First, the basics: In 2017, the unemployment rate for people with disabilities was twice the…