Managing Fibro Fog |

Managing Fibro Fog

The confusion and memory problems associated with fibromyalgia, called “fibro fog” by many patients, can be a debilitating symptom of this condition. There is little in the way that explains the causes of fibromyalgia, and even less for fibro fog. However, many health professionals suggest that fibro fog may be caused by the lack of…

Anxiety Symptoms That Can Lead to Pain |

Anxiety Symptoms That Can Lead To Pain

Anxiety, or a feeling of nervousness about an event with an uncertain outcome, is becoming a prevalent concern for medical professionals. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 40 million adults in the United States have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Anxiousness, in and of itself, is not necessarily life-threatening but the…

4 Ways to Lose Weight, Safely and Healthily |

4 Ways to Lose Weight, Safely and Healthily

Unfortunately, this post will not tell you that you can lose weight in a week. It certainly won’t talk about fad diets that could end up hurting rather than helping your overall health. Over and over, research has shown that weight that falls off within a week or after a round of Tabasco and lemonade inspired…

How Can Physical Therapy Help With My Pain? |

How Can Physical Therapy Help With My Pain?

Physical therapy is a practice that uses active and passive techniques to treat, heal, and prevent injuries or disabilities. Trained, licensed physical therapists are experts in relieving pain, improving mobility, and restoring function to different areas of the body. As such, many chronic pain patients may attend physical therapy sessions in order to help their pain.…

What Is Tai Chi and How Can It Help With Pain? |

What Is Tai Chi and How Can It Help With Pain?

Tai chi is a form of exercise developed in ancient China that has been practiced for centuries as a therapeutic, healing routine. Instead of jarring, high-intensity exercises, tai chi focuses on low-impact, slow moving, naturally flowing movements that are done softly and thoughtfully. Movements are often circular and muscles are relaxed during the exercises. Since…

What Is Tennis Elbow? |

What Is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow is a repetitive motion injury that affects the mechanics of the arm. It is seen frequently in individuals who play tennis, but can be caused by any repetitive motion. The pain travels from the outside of the elbow down to the wrist and fingers. The pain can be more notable or “sharper” when…

Most Common Treatments for Low Back Pain |

Most Common Treatments for Low Back Pain

Low back pain can run the gamut from merely annoying to chronic, debilitating pain. While the National Institutes of Health estimates that eight out of ten people will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives, the reality is that many of these cases will be acute episodes lasting no longer than a…

How Can Physical Therapy Help With My Pain?|

How Can Physical Therapy Help With My Pain?

Physical therapy is a practice that uses active and passive techniques to treat, heal, and prevent injuries or disabilities. Trained, licensed physical therapists are experts in relieving pain, improving mobility, and restoring function to different areas of the body. As such, many chronic pain patients may attend physical therapy sessions in order to help their pain.…