4 Daily Activities That Burn Calories | NVCPC.com

4 Daily Activities That Burn Calories

Often we get so caught up in the right kind of exercise that we don’t notice the calorie burning activities that we do each and every day. If the thought of going to the gym sets you on edge, consider adding a few more of these everyday activities into your routine to boost your fitness…

How To Lift Weights Safely | NVCPC.com

How To Lift Weights Safely

The benefits of weight lifting have been documented often over the years. However, beginners should exercise caution before lifting their first dumbbell. All of the fads over the years, including shake weights and some home gym systems, can’t replace good old fashioned weight training. Here are 10 tips how to lift weights safely. Wear the right…

6 Tips For Lowering Your Stress At Work | NVCPC.com

6 Tips For Lowering Your Stress At Work

Stress seems like it goes hand in hand with employment. However, this doesn’t need to be the case at all. If you’re feeling stressed in the office, there are a few things you can do to lower your anxiety and restore your stress levels to normal. These six tips can help you lower your stress at…

What Are The Major Types Of Back Pain? | NVCPC.com

What Are The Major Types Of Back Pain?

Back pain is an extremely personal experience. There are multiple causes of this type of pain and each one requires specialized attention and treatment. So, what are the various types of back pain and how many people in the U.S. are dealing with this painful experience? In most cases, back pain can be divided between…

5 Ways to Curb Opioid Use | NVCPC.com

5 Ways To Curb Opioid Use

Because of the controversy with opioid use for patients suffering from chronic pain and the risk for addiction, there is some concern in the medical community that the drugs be used safely and effectively. How can patients reduce their own use of these drugs? Here are five ways you can curb opioid use when using…

How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health | NVCPC.com

How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health

The buzz around “mental health” has been getting louder over the last few years. So many people throw the words around like they don’t really mean anything. When someone says “I’m taking a mental health day,” and they don’t come in to work, what are they really saying? Things are changing in our culture and…