How To Reduce Your Opioid Use |

How To Reduce Your Opioid Use

The misuse and abuse of opioid medications have a very real impact on all of our lives. This is true for chronic pain patients, family or friends of those with pain, or members of the community. Prescription opioids claim more than 46 deaths every day from overdoses. Because of these alarming statistics, many groups are coming…

What Are Opioids? |

What Are Opioids?

Opioids are a class of medication derived from the opium plant. Their primary function in medicine today is for pain relief and to sedate patients. These medications have a history that spans thousands of years. Often, opioids have a negative reputation because their propensity to be addictive; however, used responsibly they can be effective for…

5 Ways to Curb Opioid Use |

5 Ways To Curb Opioid Use

Because of the controversy with opioid use for patients suffering from chronic pain and the risk for addiction, there is some concern in the medical community that the drugs be used safely and effectively. How can patients reduce their own use of these drugs? Here are five ways you can curb opioid use when using…

How-To Monitor Your Opioid Use |

How-To Monitor Your Opioid Use

Because of the increased risk of dependency and addiction with opioid medications it is important to for both doctors and patients to monitor the use of these drugs. There are so many warning signs and red flags that it is important to work with a doctor, especially experienced pain specialists, to control and regulate opioid…

Long-Term Effects of Opioid Withdrawal |

Long-Term Effects of Opioid Withdrawal

One of the primary concerns with prescribing opioid medications to patients is the possibility of developing a dependence to the drugs. Opioid dependence is classified as a tolerance to the medication that requires the patient to take higher or more frequent doses to achieve the same level of pain relief. However, just as concerning as…

Do Opioids For Fibromyalgia Pain Work? |

Do Opioids For Fibromyalgia Pain Work?

The medical community’s understanding of fibromyalgia has increased greatly throughout the years. However, the true cause of fibromyalgia is still unknown. Unfortunately this means that the treatments for the condition are imperfect. Many are turning to opioids for fibromyalgia pain, without taking the time to understand how these medications work. Do opioids for fibromyalgia pain…

7 Risks Of Opioid Use |

7 Risks Of Opioid Use

Opioids are a class of medications that are often used to treat moderate to severe pain that has not responded to other milder medications, like ibuprofen and Advil. These prescription painkillers include codeine, morphine, and oxycodone. Many people do use opioid medications in order to find pain relief and have a greater quality of life.…

What Are the Signs of Opiate Tolerance? |

What Are the Signs of Opiate Tolerance?

Opiates and opioid medications are often prescribed to patients with chronic pain or as they recover from surgery or major injury. However, there are indicators that some individuals have or may develop a tolerance to opiate drugs. To better understand it is important to know the signs of opiate tolerance and be proactive about alternative…