Managing Fibromyalgia Pain With Food |

Managing Fibromyalgia Pain With Food

Over five million people in the United States suffer from fibromyalgia pain. If the numbers alone aren’t enough to show how serious of a health concern it is, the fact that fibromyalgia is hard to diagnose and treat should. Only 30% of fibromyalgia symptoms are “amenable to current pharmaceutical strategies” notes an article at…

TMJ And Fibromyalgia |

TMJ And Fibromyalgia

Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders (often called TMJ disorders) are conditions that affect the jaw and chewing muscles. While it is not entirely understood why, TMJ and fibromyalgia pain are often related, with many fibromyalgia patients experiencing the symptoms of TMJ disorders. TMJ and fibromyalgia TMJ disorder symptoms include: Pain in the face, jaw, and neck Muscle…

Managing Fibro Fog |

Managing Fibro Fog

The confusion and memory problems associated with fibromyalgia, called “fibro fog” by many patients, can be a debilitating symptom of this condition. There is little in the way that explains the causes of fibromyalgia, and even less for fibro fog. However, many health professionals suggest that fibro fog may be caused by the lack of…

Anxiety Symptoms That Can Lead to Pain |

Anxiety Symptoms That Can Lead To Pain

Anxiety, or a feeling of nervousness about an event with an uncertain outcome, is becoming a prevalent concern for medical professionals. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 40 million adults in the United States have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Anxiousness, in and of itself, is not necessarily life-threatening but the…

When Pain Causes Depression |

When Pain Causes Depression

Does pain cause depression or does depression cause pain? Unfortunately there appears to be no clear picture on what comes first. However, pain specialists and other medical professionals are beginning to understand the correlation between the two conditions and are focusing efforts on treating patients holistically. Ignoring one condition over the other only seems to…

When Depression Hurts |

When Depression Hurts

Depression and chronic pain often go hand in hand. Unfortunately, it can also be a chicken or egg situation. How do you know if your chronic pain has led to depression or the other way around? There have been several recent studies that try to better understand the links between this mental health condition and pain.…

4 Ways to Lose Weight, Safely and Healthily |

4 Ways to Lose Weight, Safely and Healthily

Unfortunately, this post will not tell you that you can lose weight in a week. It certainly won’t talk about fad diets that could end up hurting rather than helping your overall health. Over and over, research has shown that weight that falls off within a week or after a round of Tabasco and lemonade inspired…

Blogs and Cookbooks for Pain Healthy Recipes|

Blogs and Cookbooks for Pain Healthy Recipes

With all of this talk about foods that are good for pain management, how do you know where to start? Just adding disparate ingredients to your grocery list doesn’t mean you’ll actually eat the new, healthier food. You’re in luck, though. There are some great resources for recipes and cookbooks that can help you cook…