7 Risks Of Opioid Use | NVCPC.com

7 Risks Of Opioid Use

Opioids are a class of medications that are often used to treat moderate to severe pain that has not responded to other milder medications, like ibuprofen and Advil. These prescription painkillers include codeine, morphine, and oxycodone. Many people do use opioid medications in order to find pain relief and have a greater quality of life.…

What Are the Signs of Opiate Tolerance? | NVCPC.com

What Are the Signs of Opiate Tolerance?

Opiates and opioid medications are often prescribed to patients with chronic pain or as they recover from surgery or major injury. However, there are indicators that some individuals have or may develop a tolerance to opiate drugs. To better understand it is important to know the signs of opiate tolerance and be proactive about alternative…

How Does Painkiller Tolerance Occur? | NVCPC.com

How Does Painkiller Tolerance Occur?

If you have never experienced it yourself, you have probably heard others say that the same amount of painkillers simply don’t work for them anymore. Just how does this type of painkiller tolerance happen? Sometimes the effects can be psychological and sometimes they can be biological. First, we need to understand the definition of painkillers…