Benefits Of Writing For Pain Management |

Benefits Of Writing For Pain Management

The connections between meditation and stress or exercise and pain management are easy to draw. Did you know there may be more low-impact options to help manage your stress and pain, though? Art therapy, which is often used in psychology to help individuals overcome their mental blocks and explore their feelings, can be used in…

Can Mental Disorders Cause Chronic Pain? |

Can Mental Disorders Cause Chronic Pain?

While many healthcare professionals are already studying the links between depression and chronic pain, there are fewer studies made into the topic of pain for people with less common mental disorders. People with conditions like addiction, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder may all suffer from additional bodily chronic pain that is related to their condition. Addiction…

What Controls Pain Sensitivity? |

What Controls Pain Sensitivity?

We all know that the perceived experience of pain varies widely from individual to individual. Researchers are just now beginning to understand why that is by studying both genetic and environmental variables that contribute to pain sensitivity. What is pain sensitivity? Pain sensitivity, the point at which stimulus is regarded as painful or not, was…

How Can Work Stress Impact Your Health? |

How Can Work Stress Impact Your Health?

In a poll conducted by Harris Interactive a massive 83% of U.S. workers indicated that they experienced work stress. Eight out of ten adults is far too big of a number for us to accept this as simply normal. Workplace stressors include low pay, increased workload, and issues with other people in the office. Many of…