How Can Osteoarthritis Cause Back Pain? |

How Can Osteoarthritis Cause Back Pain?

The lumbar, or lower, region of the back is a common location to experience osteoarthritis. This is a disease that causes the cushioning tissues, or cartilage, on top of the bones to degenerate over time. It can cause pain and swelling in the affected areas. Osteoarthritis of the spine specifically affects the joints and discs…

7 Risks Of Opioid Use |

7 Risks Of Opioid Use

Opioids are a class of medications that are often used to treat moderate to severe pain that has not responded to other milder medications, like ibuprofen and Advil. These prescription painkillers include codeine, morphine, and oxycodone. Many people do use opioid medications in order to find pain relief and have a greater quality of life.…

Chronic Back Pain Linked To Depression |

Chronic Back Pain Linked To Depression

Chronic back pain–that is, back pain that last six months or longer–can have negative effects on the health of our body, but also our mind. Those with chronic back pain are believed to suffer from clinical depression at rates four times higher than the general public. Likewise, 75% of people with depression also suffer from…