What Are Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks? | NVCPC.com

What Are Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks?

Nerve blocks are one type of treatment for chronic pain conditions. Depending on the specific pain and region of the body, your doctor can help you determine what type of nerve block is right for you. Sphenopalatine ganglion blocks may be a great option for managing your pain. Here’s what you should know. What are sphenopalatine…

Rediscovering The Mind With TED Talks | NVCPC.com

Rediscovering The Mind With TED Talks

A key to understanding why migraines and head pain are so misunderstood is by realizing just how complicated our brains really are. Our human brains–the foundation of how we experience pain and memory–are vastly complex. Of course, realizing this in a theoretical way is much different than actually understanding it in a literal way. Thankfully, a collection of TED…

How Does Neuromodulation For Head Pain Work? | NVCPC.com

How Does Neuromodulation For Head Pain Work?

Headache pain is generally divided into four separate types: migraines, cluster-type headaches, tension-type headaches, and secondary headaches (as a result of another condition or as a side effect of treatment). Each of these can be severe enough to impact daily life, and each of them can benefit from a treatment called neuromodulation for head pain.…

Your Hormones Could Be Causing Hormonal Headaches | NVCPC.com

Your Hormones Could Be Causing Hormonal Headaches

A woman’s menstrual cycle can affect more than just monthly periods. During each phase of the month, the hormonal changes that a woman faces may trigger other things such as cramps or even headaches. Women’s hormones actually can affect headache fluctuations each month, leading to hormonal headaches. What are hormonal headaches?  The hormones estrogen and…

Alternative Treatments For Headache Pain | NVCPC.com

Alternative Treatments For Headache Pain

Headaches are caused by a multitude of triggers, however, they are defined as pain experienced by the nerves in the membranes inside the skull or major nerves that radiate out from the brain, most often caused by irritation, inflammation, or injury. Headache pain can further be subdivided into tension, cluster, or migraine headaches. Causes of…

How Can Caffeine Cause Pain? | NVCPC.com

How Can Caffeine Cause Pain?

So many people rely on caffeine to make it through the day. Coffee, diet Coke, energy drinks, or anything else containing the stimulant are very popular in our fast-paced culture. While caffeine is naturally occurring, it does have some negative consequences for some people, especially those already dealing with chronic pain conditions. Here are some…

Sacroiliac and Trigger Point Injections for Back Pain | NVCPC

Sacroiliac and Trigger Point Injections for Back Pain

Many patients suffering from forms of back pain have sought and found relief from various injection therapies. These treatments include sacroiliac and trigger point injections. What are these treatments and will they work for you? Back pain is the second most common condition, after the common cold, for which people seek medical attention. Staggering statistics…