If you dread going to work in the morning or spend all weekend agonizing about your return to work on Monday, you’re not too surprised that jobs create the most stress for people in the U.S. You may, however, be surprised at just how much stress our jobs are creating in our lives, or what work-related stress actually costs in terms of your health.
“Numerous studies show that job stress is far and away the major source of stress for American adults and that it has escalated progressively over the past few decades.” – The American Institute of Stress
Health statistics on work stress
Consider these statistics about work-related stress:
- Stress costs U.S. businesses $300 billion a year, according to the World Health Organization
- The CIPD notes that stress is the most common cause of long-term sickness absence from work
- 80% of U.S. workers feel stress on the job claims The American Institute of Stress
- Abseentism from work can cost a large company more than $3.6 million a year, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- The CDC found that 40% of workers claimed that their job was extremely stressful
- The same CDC study noted that 25% of respondents claimed that their job was the number one stressor in their lives
- People who felt tense or stressed out during work in 2012 was up to 41%, from 36% in 2011, according to the American Psychological Association
- The American Institute of Stress’s study highlighted the potential for violence associated with work stress, noting that 14% of workers have felt like striking a coworker and 25% have felt like screaming from job stress
- Costs from healthcare are 50% greater for those employees with self-reported high levels of stress, notes the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- The International Labour Organisation found that 40% of job turnover is caused by stress at work
Get help
As these statistics show, stress isn’t just a bother. It has a profound impact on the way we work, how much we work, and how much money we spend to treat it.
If you feel like you’re experiencing increased levels of stress at work, you should certainly discuss it with your supervisor or a human resources representative to try to find ways to lessen its impact. If you begin to have physical symptoms from the amount of stress you’re experiencing–such as pain, anxiety, or trouble sleeping–discuss your concerns with your doctor.
Do you suffer from extreme work-related stress? What can you do to help minimize its impact on your life? Contact us today for more information about managing your pain.