BlogWhich Foods Can Help Reduce Sleep Problems? |

There are so many popular home remedies for insomnia or other sleep problems. If you’re a chronic pain patient, you’ve likely tried them all. While herbal tea or a shot of bourbon might be recommend by some, there are various foods that can help you fall asleep naturally. While these foods might not help in the moment, adding them to your diet can give you more restful sleep overall.

Foods to reduce sleep problems

Some of the foods you should incorporate into your routine for a better night’s sleep include the following.


Salmon, tuna, and other similar types of fish provide vitamin B6—one of the key building blocks of melatonin

Cherry juice

Tart cherry juice is also rich in melatonin and can help people suffering from insomnia sleep a little better if they consume two glasses a day


Not only do bananas increase the vitamin B6 in the body, they have also been shown to help with depression and anxiety


This calming herb can be taken as a supplement or made into a tea that can help you fall asleep


The aroma of this herb is the real hero when it comes to helping people fall asleep and it has a lot of possible uses in food or teas


Surprisingly, celery has natural sedatives that can help lull you to sleep as well—the perfect snack before bed might just be a stalk with a little peanut butter

It is important to remember that there are no magic bullets when it comes to sleep problems. These foods and herbs can help with the symptoms of insomnia, but are not a complete cure. If you are struggling with too many sleepless nights and it is affecting your body in painful ways, talk to your doctor about the options available to you. Other conditions can cause more complex problems that can impact your ability to fall or stay asleep.

What do you do when you’re having trouble falling asleep? For more help with your chronic pain condition, reach out to one of our doctors today!