4 Ways to Lose Weight, Safely and Healthily | NVCPC.com

4 Ways to Lose Weight, Safely and Healthily

Unfortunately, this post will not tell you that you can lose weight in a week. It certainly won’t talk about fad diets that could end up hurting rather than helping your overall health. Over and over, research has shown that weight that falls off within a week or after a round of Tabasco and lemonade inspired…

Blogs and Cookbooks for Pain Healthy Recipes| NVCPC.com

Blogs and Cookbooks for Pain Healthy Recipes

With all of this talk about foods that are good for pain management, how do you know where to start? Just adding disparate ingredients to your grocery list doesn’t mean you’ll actually eat the new, healthier food. You’re in luck, though. There are some great resources for recipes and cookbooks that can help you cook…

How Can Caffeine Cause Pain? | NVCPC.com

How Can Caffeine Cause Pain?

So many people rely on caffeine to make it through the day. Coffee, diet Coke, energy drinks, or anything else containing the stimulant are very popular in our fast-paced culture. While caffeine is naturally occurring, it does have some negative consequences for some people, especially those already dealing with chronic pain conditions. Here are some…